Monday, February 04, 2008

3 months, 5 days...

Three months and five days to go. Is that possible?

It is hard to believe in less than 100 days I will be done with my formal education. After twenty some-odd years, I will no longer be in school. Unbelievable!

The semester started last week and already the nostalgia is setting in. As much as I am excited to be graduating, a part of me is already longing for more time. I really do love school and it is hard to imagine what life will be like outside of it. It will be so strange to not go to bed at night thinking about all of the readings I didn't get done that day, along with that feeling of dread over sitting for two 3 1/2 hour classes the next day. As much as I can't stand that feeling, I think part of me will actually miss it!

My goal for this semester is to try and enjoy myself as much as possible. It seems every semester I start out with that newly sharpened pencil, crisp paper feel and by the end of the second week am grudgingly dragging myself to class. I don't want this semester to be like that. It is my hope and prayer that I will move past the longing to finish and will live in the moment, learning as much as I can and enjoying the freedom that comes with student life vs work life.

Speaking of which, I had better get going so I am not late for class...


Sue said...

What a blessing it will be when you finish this last semester of school and can serve God fully. You are truly a servant of the lord. I am sure it will be "different" than school but the transition will be easy because God will be your teacher and leader through your life.

Brown Family said...

School is great, but finishing school is great, too. Living in the moment is something I think we all need to do a little bit more, so good luck with that! Hopefully I can do that a little more, too, instead of thinking, "When my kids get bigger ..."